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Observation: Gold Hill

Observation Date
Observer Name
Staples & Martin
Uintas » Gold Hill
Location Name or Route
Gold Hill
Weather Comments
Snowed about 1 cm (0.4 in) in the morning between 9:30 and 10:30. Sun started poking through the clouds in the afternoon. Minimal winds but clouds seemed to be moving overhead pretty quickly.
Snow Characteristics
Snow Characteristics Comments
Best snow was above 9800 feet on north facing slopes in the trees. Its amazingly supportable (see photo below) and we were able to ride and bounce over many logs.
Snow Profile
Slope Angle
I was looking at two possible weak layers today.
  1. The old snow from November - this is unreactive now. It will certainly wake up on the north side of Gold Hill after several snow storms or one big one. I suspect there are many other shallow areas like this.
  2. Near surface snow - we have been finding a lot of weak, sugary, faceted snow near the surface. Today, it didn't seem like it will be much of a problem (at least where we rode). The "near-surface facets" were very small and not too faceted. Perhaps warm weather has helped some? But I know there are some north facing slopes that still harbor very weak snow near the surface. This layer could be tricky as it may end up being pockety.

Photo 1 - snowpit on the north side of Gold Hill under the big avalanche paths
Photo 2 - close up photo of near surface facets (that aren't very faceted)
Photo 3 - close up of the snow that fell today
Photo 4 - snowmobile tracks showing how supportable the snow is. It was pretty supportable riding on one ski as well.
Photo 5 - Looking south at Hayden Peak
Photo 6 - Looking at the north side of Gold Hill
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating