Donate to Our Spring Campaign or Bid on our Spring Auction to Support Forecasting

Other Ways to Give

There are many impactful ways to support the UAC's program in addition to becoming a member or making a donation. Below are some other opportunities to invest in the programs you care about. If you have any questions on giving, please contact us.

Mail a check or donate through Venmo

You can donate to the UAC by mailing a check or using Venmo. Checks can be mailed to

Utah Avalanche Center, P.O. Box 521353, Salt Lake City, UT 84152-1353

Donate via Venmo by sending payment to @UtahAvalancheCenter. Please send a Venmo message with your contact information or email us so we can send you a donation receipt.

Workplace Giving

You can donate to the UAC through your workplace giving plan. If you do not have a workplace giving plan and would like to set one up, please contact us.

Donate Stock

When you donate shares of stock that have appreciated, you a) don't have to pay tax on any gains and b) get to deduct the entire current value of the gifted stock. And the UAC gets a donation equal to the value of your stock. Pretty sweet deal for everyone. Contact your financial advisor or email us for details.

Donor-Advised Funds (DAF)

If you have a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), you can donate directly to the UAC from your DAF. Look up the UAC using our tax ID: 87-0481453 and company name Friends of the Utah Avalanche Forecast Center. Learn more about Donor-Advised Funds.

Planned Giving

Charitable giving can play an important role in many estate plans. Philanthropy cannot only give you great personal satisfaction, but it can also give you a current income tax deduction, let you avoid capital gains tax, and reduce the taxes your estate may owe when you die. There are many ways to give to charity. You can make gifts during your lifetime or at your death. You can make gifts outright or use a trust.

Here are some of the more common ways to support the UAC with your giving.

For more information on planned giving, use the links above or contact your financial advisor/estate planner. If you are interested in including the UAC in your planned giving, please speak with your financial advisor/estate planner or contact the UAC for more information about the various ways to give.

Give While You Shop

Your day-to-day shopping can help support the UAC. See a list of your favorite stores and brands that give a portion of sales to the UAC when you use our custom shopping links.