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Observation: Moffit Basin

Observation Date
Observer Name
Uintas » Bear River Ranger District » Bear River West Fork » Moffit Basin
Location Name or Route
Moffit Basin
Weather Comments
Very windy all day. Some clouds.
Snow Characteristics
Snow Characteristics Comments
Wet snow. But much more supportable in many places than I thought it would be. Many south facing slopes, especially low elevation ones, had soft wet snow to the ground.
I wanted to see how far into the snowpack liquid water had percolated. I also wanted to look for recent avalanche activity and was surprised by a lack of more activity. Overall the Uintas have maybe just stayed a bit cooler than other areas even though there haven't been below freezing air temperature for 48 hours.
  • Low elevation south facing (7800) wet to the ground (only about 3 feet of snow)
  • Near treeline, mid elevation, southwest facing (9500), the snow was wet about 2 feet down
  • Just at treeline, upper elevation, north facing (10,000'), the snow was only wet in the top few inches
In terms of avalanche activity, I couldn't find much. I did find the cornice triggered slide reported on Tuesday (first photo below) and I don't think that was a wet avalanche.
Spotted one wet slab on a SSE facing slope at 9200 ft (second photo)
And several wet loose avalanches (third photo of one of them).
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating