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Observation: Ant Knolls

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Provo » American Fork » Ant Knolls
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Ant Knolls Area
Red Flags
Red Flags
Heavy Snowfall
24" new snow across the area above 8k', fairly low density blower, below 8k' you could feel the bottom due to a bit less snow and firmer old snow surface especially where crusted on the South half of the compass, above 8k' felt more bottomless. Around S1 snowfall or less throughout the morning, relatively flat light, light to no wind and hard to give a direction due to terrain features. Didn't see any avalanches but also couldn't see any of the bigger slopes that usually slide due to visibility. New snow seemed well bonded to all old surfaces and got no action on test slopes on a variety of aspects, hand shears didn't indicate for storm slab either. Dry Loose was the only thing I observed and only on steeper slopes saw snow moving with the snowmobile and in front, on bigger steep slopes I think I could have got a lot of snow moving but avoided all avalanche terrain. Left the field by 11:30am.
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