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Observation: Rodeo Ridge

Observation Date
Observer Name
Ogden » Ben Lomond » Rodeo Ridge
Location Name or Route
Rodeo Ridge
Weather Comments
Clear skies above with a few mid-level clouds streaming over summits. Although winds on Mount Ogden were gusting in the 20's mph and wind effect from northerly winds reported further south in the central Wasatch, we had calm winds along Ogden Skyline between Chili Peak and Ben Lomond.
Snow Characteristics
Snow Surface Conditions
Faceted Loose
Snow Characteristics Comments
Snow surface has weakened quite a bit the past few days and we were also finding 5mm surface hoar along exposed, upper elevation ridgelines.
The few wind drifts we did find would only break around your skis and not propagate. The snow surface has weakened and we were getting widespread sluffing in the top few cms of snow on steeper aspects. Deep and stable snowpack with the only concerns isolated wind drifts and sluffing on steep, sustained slopes.
The weak snow surface is something to watch this coming week with small amounts of snow possible on Sunday followed by a week of cold temperatures.
Photos of
- clouds streaming abvoe ridgetops;
- upper elevation winds drifted snow;
- 5 mm surface hoar that was present un upper elevation starting zones.
Low danger today where we were traveling and would expect Moderate danger for Sunday with increased winds and some fresh snowfall.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating