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Observation: Lambs Canyon

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M Talty
Salt Lake » Parleys Canyon » Lambs Canyon
Location Name or Route
Lambs Canyon
Light Snowfall
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
Weather Comments
Light snowfall on and off from 09:00 - 12:00, followed by steady S-1 precip above 7,000'. Precipitation increased to S2 by 14:00.
Snow Characteristics
New Snow Depth
New Snow Density
Snow Surface Conditions
Snow Characteristics Comments
We arrived to the trailhead (6,150') at 09:00 to find about 1" of light-density overnight snow. Snow continued to slowly stack up throughout the day with 2-3" of new snow by 14:00. Snow surfaces ranged from pixie dust on slick crusts. to light powder on top of loose facets. Regardless of the old snow surface, new snow from this past week seems to sluff easy.
Red Flags
Red Flags
Red Flags Comments
Some cracking was observed in the new snow from 2/16 - present (photo below), regardless of the old snow surface.
Went for a tour into Lambs Canyon this morning to observe the new snow from 2/16 and last night. Skinning conditions varied from frustrating dust on crust, to enjoyable soft powder on top of facets. The latter could be found in low-angle open meadows where the facet factory had been operating for the prior 6 weeks. I dug a hasty pit on a NW-facing slope at 7,750' and found 5" of low-density snow (2/16-present) sitting atop 5" of facets that had formed during the dry spell (photo below). A very weak crust was observed 10" below the snow surface.
The new snow from 2/16 and last night have improved riding conditions and has even revived hope for powder days yet to come. Some cracking could be observed in the new snow, which did not shoot far from ski tips and remained small (photo below). With more unsettled weather in the forecast, it will be harder to remember and predict what old snow surfaces buried on 2/16 underlie the new snow. In some areas, this old snow surface is a stout slick crust, while in other areas it's a pile of weak facets. I imagine whatever slab forms atop this old snow surface will be unpredictable and dubious without careful assessment. For now, the new snow remains soft , unconsolidated, and fun to ride.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating