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Observation: Mt. Watson

Observation Date
Observer Name
Uintas » Mt. Watson
Location Name or Route
Mt Watson
Weather Comments
A bit breezy (from the northwest), but otherwise another beautiful day.
Wanted to get up high to look at how the snow surface has been evolving. Winds, sun, cold, warmth - just about everything except snowfall and cloudy skies has affected the snow surface.
Even in wind scoured, wind eroded, wind packed, etc. areas, the near surface faceting process has been trucking along. The near surface facets aren't widespread like they are on sheltered slopes, but there is more than enough of them to make me worry in the future.
Due south aspects don't have them. However southeast has them under a fragile crust that our skis would easily break through. East and north aspects are faceted. I didn't get a look at west.
If it were to snow a lot tonight, I wouldn't necessarily expect entire bowls to fracture and avalanche wall to wall; however, there would be many pockets, some large, that would produce avalanches in the above treeline terrain. Even if small amounts of new snow trickled in and got blown around by the wind, I would expect avalanches to start being triggered.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating