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Observation: Logan Dry Canyon

Observation Date
Observer Name
David Rosenberg
Logan » Logan Dry Canyon
Location Name or Route
Dry Canyon / Sincline Trail North
This observation is for Logan Dry Canyon - Sincline North Trail - where the trail wraps around in to Mill Hollow. 8,300 feet elevation. Starting zone for the slide path that heads north down to Logan Canyon just downstream of 2nd dam.
Photo 1: Pit #1 -- 10 feet down slope of the trail. 2" total snow depth. Bottom 1.5" solid ice. Top 1/2 inch feathery surface hoar.
Photo 2: Pit #2 -- 10 feet up slope of the trail. 8" total snow depth. Bottom 6" was pen/knife hard. A few knife-hard layers. Top 2" feathery surface hoar. Deeper snow here and deeper further up-slope. Also melted out around shrubs.
Photo 3: The main Dry Canyon slide paths -- Cirque, Goal Post, Oscar Meyer, Exit, and DB (left to right)-- are all filled in in their start zones. At the bottom of the slide paths along the main Dry Canyon trail, there is currently 2" of snow. The top 1/2 inch to 1" was faceted in the shape of needles.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating