Observation Date
Observer Name
Uintas » Smith-Moorehouse
Location Name or Route
Between 9000 and 10,000 feet snow depths were generally just over 4 feet deep (130-140 cm). Additionally the snow has become very supportable. You don't notice the weak faceted snow near the ground until you dig through hard layers of snow and your shovel finally breaks into the facets. Today, everywhere I looked, this layer was 4 fingers hardness which is a big improvement. I was also able to find the late Novembe ice crust just under this weak layer.
Two snow profiles below from NW facing and E facing.

We spotted at least three hard slab avalanches that broke on a PWL of facets. These slides were in heavily wind loaded areas on unnamed peaks and ridgelines that generally faced east and were above 10,000 feet and above treeline. They may have happened early last week but I don't know which is why I am putting them in this ob versus creating a separate avalanche ob.
Third photo shows evidence of westerly winds moving snow across an upper elevation, north facing slope.
Last photo show typical weather for today.

Still feels CONSIDERABLE on upper elevation slopes above treeline exposed to winds. The likelihood of triggering a slide has gone down; however, the consequences of an avalanche are so severe that it makes avalanche conditions dangerous.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating