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Avalanche: Birthday Chutes

Observer Name
Scott and Jack
Observation Date
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Avalanche Date
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Salt Lake » Little Cottonwood Canyon » White Pine » Birthday Chutes
Location Name or Route
Lower BIrthday Trees
Avalanche Type
Soft Slab
Forecaster note: Combined two observations for our records.

Remote trigger by skier 2 well upslope and away from skier. Triggered well after skier passage. Not a threat of catch and carry but definitely spooky and attention getting. Saw party of 4 shortly after who reported event as well (Allred, see pic).
Broke at convex roll over on PWL between the "goal post" trees. 3-4' deep. Ran downslope a hundred plus vert where it came to rest on flats. Slab was relatively soft considering amount of recent wind.
We had discussed this above prior to ski as likely point it would break and approached with caution and made a plan to be skier's right in trees to mitigate common exposure point. Still, a really poor choice to be in that neighborhood, given all the other low angle skiing we enjoyed all day long out there. Lessons.
Side note: Full menu of slides on every aspect in WP. Excellent and humbling frame of reference for rest of season and beyond. Vast Red Baldy natural most notable. Pic attached as well.
Additional photos submitted from Allred