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Observation: Garden City Bowls

Observation Date
Observer Name
Kyle O'Donnell
Logan » Bear Lake » Garden City Canyon » Garden City Bowls
Location Name or Route
Garden City
Red Flags
Red Flags
Poor Snowpack Structure
Avalanche Problem #1
Persistent Weak Layer
Problem #1 Comments
Its spooky out there. Lots of collapsing and cracking. See comments for more detailed information.
Went out to garden city trying to get an idea of what the snow pack was doing , and if SW aspects were anywhere near stabilizing. Spoiler alert they were not. It was a spooky day on the skin track with several booming colapses shooting cracks 20-80 ft out from my skis. The largest collapse occurred right after I stepped back into my skis after digging my first pit. Its looking like a sub 30 type of season. Information and test results from the snow pits below.
Pit 1 @ 10:54 am
HS: 80cm
Aspect: SW 230
Elevation: 8415
ECTP19 @ 42cm failing on facets on top of a solid suportable crust. Snow is faceted to the ground below the crust
Pit 2 @ 12:38 PM
HS: 88cm
Aspect: NE 48
Elevation: 8168'
ECTP17 @ 50cm failing on a facets above a thin breakable crust. Snow is faceted to the ground below the crust
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating