Observation Date
Observer Name
Maggie Nielsen
Location Name or Route
Pre-Laurel Highway
It was a beautiful afternoon for a ski tour in the mountains! Noted increasing clouds throughout the day as well as wind around 1 pm. The road was getting pretty muddy in places with snow rapidly thawing and draining down the road. I would recommend 4 wheel drive still at this point as Squaw Springs TH area is getting quite muddy. I skipped digging a snow pit today so I didn't get a good look at what was going on underneath. The ol' ski pole test indicated supportable snow and I didn't penetrate below it to find any faceted layers. I imagine they're there in force still. I noted some rollerballs, cornices, sun crusts, and scoured slopes on my tour as well. The ski down was fun, especially up high where I hit corn conditions but lower down was turning to sludge at 130pm.

Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating