Observation Date
Observer Name
Wilson, Hardesty
Provo » Provo Canyon » South Fork Provo R. » Big Springs
Location Name or Route
Big Springs
We dug pits on West aspects 8,050' and 9,450' for comparison
At the lower elevation there was a 2.5 cm moist crust just under the storm snow, with moist fist-hard snow below. Below that, two rain crusts down 30cm and 45cm, with some water-pooling noted on the lower crust. No activity in compression or extended column tests.
At the upper elevation there was no wet layer. Compression test had Q2 failure under a 1.5cm crust on rounding facets but was difficult to trigger (CT 22). No propagation in the extended column test (ECTN 18, same layer).
Photos of lower and then upper pits.

Photos: Low elevation slopes (but not the meadows!) were bare, upper elevations got a thick coat of graupel.
Videos: Push-a-lanches below 8,000', a wet entrance and exit. None of the good surfy skiing captured on camera.

Really a good storm for Provo!
Screen capture of water amounts, at 1.04" SWE from Bunne'ls, this area did just as well us the upper Big Cottonwood and better than Little Cottonwood. When you go high enough, of course..
Video of snow-globe after precip-type switched from graupel to large flakes.
Danger was low and skiing was great in the upper elevations. Moderate for wet activity in the lower elevationss
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating