Observation: Moab

Observation Date
Observer Name
Chris Benson
Location Name or Route
Burnoff Knob
HS ranged from 70-140 on NW aspects around 10,000'. No cracking or collapsing. Snowpack was extremely weak and punchy at times, and in other areas, was more supportive. Pit location provided a nice place to see the entire season's weather history. Each red line represents the date the snow fell, and gives some highlights for storm totals and wind events. Overall, this snowpit had cohesive, consistent, 4F+ to 1F hardness snow. Most of the layers and interfaces within the snow are well-bonded. One exception to this was an obvious layer of surface hoar about 20cm down, that probably formed sometime in late January. While not a problem currently, this layer could become reactive with additional loads. Several tilt-tests produced clean, and fast shears on this 1-cm-thick layer. ECTN26 (X2) suggested this layer has little propagation potential. No results with Deep Tap Tests, and the bottom facets from 11/19 are 1F in hardness and stubborn to produce any shears with informal tests.
Another weak layer was noted ~4cm above this which appeared to be some buried near-surface-facets. This layer was near a subtle yet distinct red/brown color that is probably a result of the wind event from 2/3. Additional facets were present near the top of the snowpack.
Buried Surface hoar from late January, now about 20-cm-down in the snowpack.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating