Observation Date
Observer Name
Andrew Nassetta, Bo Torrey
Location Name or Route
Notch Mountain
We made our moves towards the Bald Mountain Pass via Mirror Lake today and had ourselves a good sightseeing loop, with lots of eyes on the terrain. From the pass, we worked north and west towards Reid’s Meadow and the East face of Notch Mountain. Then moving through and exiting Star Lake back to 150.
Snow totals ranged from about 100cm at 9,000’ to 180cm at 10,500’ -- in sheltered terrain out of the wind zone.
Winds were generally calm from the south but were certainly moving snow off the highest ridgelines. Temps were in the high 20’s and comfortable. Sky cover was scattered in the morning and transitioning to overcast by the afternoon.
No major avalanches were noted but evidence of wind and old activity was present. Overall it was a great day in the mountains and riding conditions were excellent in sheltered terrain healthy snow depths making for great travel.

Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating