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UAC Podcast - Early Season Essentials - A Conversation with Bo Torrey

Drew Hardesty

It's key to head into the early avalanche season with the proper mindset.  In this podcast, we talk with UAC program director Bo Torrey.  Bo talks about particular risks unique to the early season, tips and tricks for knocking the rust off your early season rescue skills, and charts out the path forward with avalanche education.  
First things first, replace your transceiver batteries with new Alkaline Batteries. Firmware updates, range checks, signal checks are all things you can take care of before the snow flies. Get your backcountry partners together to run through some rescue scenarios. This will help make sure you're all prepared before an accident occurs. You will feel much more prepared to pull off a rescue having gone through once or twice. 
Your probe is an easy piece of equipment to overlook but critical for being able to perform an effective partner rescue. Deploy your probe to see if it assemble and locks into place properly. Release the locking mechanism and disassemble each section of the probe, check the individual sections for cracks or signs of damage. Look over the internal cable for rust and frays that might cause the cable to fail. Make sure the locking mechanism at the top of your probe is working properly. If you have any questions about whether or not your probe will be reliable in an avalanche rescue replace it- your backcountry partners will thank you. 
Check your shovel blade and handle for any cracks, bends or other deformities that might cause is it break. Make sure your push pins work and can secure the blade to the handle. Anything that you feel might cause your equipment to fail make sure you repair or replace it.
Backcountry Access Rescue Series Videos:
          Beacon Searching 101
          Avalanche Probing 101
          Shoveling 101
Bo Torrey grew up in the snowy finger lake region of Central New York. At 15 years old he traded in his hockey skates for skis. In 2009 he moved to Utah to live in the mountains and attend the University of Utah. Bo began interning with the Utah Avalanche Center in 2013 through the University's Parks, Recreation and Tourism program. After graduating with a degree in Adventure and Outdoor Programming he was hired full time as the Center's Education Coordinator. He oversees our programs, including education, fundraising, and social media outreach. When he’s not on the skin track you'll find him on his bike.