Forecast for the Moab Area Mountains

Eric Trenbeath
Issued by Eric Trenbeath on
Tuesday morning, February 27, 2018

The avalanche danger is MODERATE today but keep in mind that most accidents occur when the danger is trending down from considerable. Weak, sugary, faceted snow still exists at the base of the snowpack, and the potential for triggering an avalanche up to 3' deep remains. The danger is greatest on steep terrain, right around treeline and above that faces NW-N-E, particularly in areas that are overlain with wind drifted snow. Be alert to fresh wind drifts and avoid slopes with recent deposits of wind drifted snow. Most low elevation and south facing terrain offers LOW danger.

Learn how to read the forecast here
Special Announcements

Episode 5 of the UAC podcast "To Hell in a Heartbeat - A Conversation With Tom Diegel and Matt Clevenger About the 12.26.08 Full Burial on Little Water" is live. Matt and Tom talk about the avalanche documented in To Hell in a Heartbeat. Check it out on ITunes, Stitcher, the UAC blog.​

The UAC Marketplace is still open. Our online marketplace still has deals on skis, packs, airbag packs, beacons, snowshoes, soft goods and much more.

Weather and Snow

Moderate to strong southerly winds continue to blow along the ridge tops, and 10,000' temps are in the mid 20's, which is about 10-15 degrees higher than they have been for days at this time of morning. Wind and sun have taken a toll on exposed slopes and snow has drifted on to northerly aspects. Best bet for quality and safer riding conditons is on sheltered terrain below treeline. February has been a good month for us during an extremely lean winter. The mountains have received 45" of snow since Feb 6, and last week brought 18" - 20" . Conditions are greatly improved but it's still thin up there so use caution and tread lightly.

Base depth in Gold Basin: 39" Base depth at Geyser Pass Trailhead: 25"

New snow totals in Gold Basin.

Snow totals at the Geyser Pass Trailhead, (9600')

Wind, temperature, and humidity on Pre Laurel Peak (11,700')

Road conditions to Geyser Pass Trailhead: The road is snowpacked and icy in places. 4wd is recommended.

Grooming conditions: Trails were rolled out into Gold Basin yesterday.

Recent Avalanches

This natural avalanche on the NE Face of Tukno, AKA Gravel Pit Lanes, likely released during the storm on Thursday. A wind slab release up high ran down and triggered this deeper and clearly dangerous persistent slab avalanche. Note how it propagates out further left above the cliffs. A few other similar but smaller slides also occurred in the area. More details here.

Avalanche Problem #1
Persistent Weak Layer

The snowpack is showing signs of strengthening. Yesterday I didn't observe, or hear any reports of collapsing, and stabilty tests are becoming less reactive in some areas. Nevertheless, weak, sugary, faceted snow still exists at the base of the snowpack, and the potential for triggering an avalanche 3' deep or greater exists as well. The natural acitivity last Thursday illustrates the type of problem we are facing, and it is not something you want to be involved with. The danger is most pronouced in steep terrain right around treeline and above that faces NW-N-E, but there are a few outlying areas that face W and SE.

Avalanche Problem #2
Wind Drifted Snow

Southerly winds throughout the week have created wind slabs in upper elevation, wind exposed terrain. You can easily observe them as smooth rounded pillows liberally distributed throughout the high country. Older slabs have gained strength, but new drifts will continue to form with today's winds. Avoid any steep slope where the snow has a smooth, rounded appearance, or where you can detect recent deposits of wind drifted snow. The danger is greatest on steep terrain right around treeline and above that faces NW-N-E. In these areas, a triggered wind slab has the very real potential to step down causing a deeper and more dangerous persistent slab avalanche.

Additional Information

General Announcements

The UAC has new support programs with Outdoor Research and Darn Tough. Support the UAC through your daily shopping. When you shop at Smith's, or online at Outdoor Research, REI,, Darn Tough, Patagonia, NRS, Amazon, eBay a portion of your purchase will be donated to the FUAC. See our Donate Page for more details on how you can support the UAC when you shop.

Benefit the Utah Avalanche Center when you buy or sell on eBay - set the Utah Avalanche Center as a favorite non-profit in your eBay account here and click on eBay gives when you buy or sell. You can choose to have your seller fees donated to the UAC, which doesn't cost you a penny

This information does not apply to developed ski areas or highways where avalanche control is normally done. This advisory is from the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, which is solely responsible for its content. This advisory describes general avalanche conditions and local variations always occur.