Forecast for the Skyline Area Mountains

Brett Kobernik
Issued by Brett Kobernik for
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The overall avalanche danger is MODERATE. There is a CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger along the upper elevation ridgelines where the wind has been drifting snow. These fresh slabs of snow will most likely be sensitive to a person. Avoid cornices as they will most likely be sensitive also.

Learn how to read the forecast here
Special Announcements


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Weather and Snow

The storm is going to end up producing less snow than anticipated. The majority of the precipitation stayed to our north. The Fairview Canyon/Electric Lake area picked up about 6 inches of dense snow. Farther south on the Skyline you'll only find about two inches of new dense snow. The wind has been strong from the west southwest. Mountain temperatures are mild with most stations reading around freezing.

Additional Information

The current storm is winding down and not much, if any, snow accumulation is anticipated today. Our focus now shifts to the next storm scheduled for Friday into Saturday. We should see some snow however, it looks as if the majority of the energy is going to dive south of us.

General Announcements

We will publish full detailed advisories Saturday and Sunday mornings by 7am. We will also be publishing basic avalanche danger ratings & info during the week.

If you are getting out into the mountains, we love to hear from you! You can SUBMIT OBSERVATIONS ONLINE or EMAIL US

If you would like to have avalanche advisories emailed to you, SIGN UP HERE

We can provide basic avalanche awareness presentations for your school, group or club. To enquire, CLICK HERE