There was a lot more recent activity in the Tony area than we were expecting today. As we pulled up to the lake in the morning we noticed a large recent avalanche on the steep section of the lower Beginner Bowl. It looked like the slide occurred on Thursday and there was a snowmobile track on the slope 20 feet away from the crown. If it was a sympathetic release I doubt they even knew it happened. The slide was around 200 feet and 3 feet deep on a North Facing slope.
As we pulled up to the Lake we noticed plenty more slides around the lake some occurred during the latter part of the storm and one happened after the snow stopped falling, probably on Thursday.
There were plenty of people out testing the slopes. We watched several sledders highmarking right under a huge cornice on the south end of Cornice Ridge (Half Dome). We were relieved that we did not have to use our avalanche rescue skills to recover buried snowmobilers.
We dug a pit on a 40 degree Northeast facing slope around 9100 feet. Compression tests showed failures at the new and old snow interface at 23-27 taps. However the Extended Column Test would not propagate a failure, ECTN27. We rode North through East facing slopes above 8500 feet all day. The snow on the North facing terrain stayed dry all day. The East facing terrain was slightly affected by the sun but still rode fairly nice by 2:00 PM. Even Cornice ridge still held good snow at 2:00PM.