Forecast for the Moab Area Mountains

Eric Trenbeath
Issued by Eric Trenbeath for
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Special Announcements

The Utah Avalanche Center Moab has not yet begun issuing regular advisories for the season however, late October and early November storms have brought the first significant snow to the mountains. About 6" of snow is on the ground at the Geyser Pass Trailhead, with 12-18" at upper elevations. Strong winds have begun to move this snow around forming drifts and potential wind slabs along the lee sides of upper elevation ridge crests and terrain features. Backcountry travelers, and in particular, peak baggers are advised to be on the lookout for wind slab conditions in exposed, upper elevation terrain.

If you are out and about, it is also a good time to start taking stock of snow that is on the ground. Shallow, early season snowpacks are very susceptible to the process of temperature gradient metamorphism and the development of depth hoar. Depth hoar provides an unstable base for future snow to pile up on, and can exist as a persistent weak layer for much of the season.

The Moab office will be up and running by mid-November. In the mean time, use the weather links below to stay abreast of current conditions, and if you are out and about, go to our observation page and let us know what you are seeing!

Weather and Snow

Use the links below for hourly updated mountain weather information including new snow totals, wind speed and direction, temperature and humidity.

La Sal Weather

Wind speeds and temperature at 11,700' on Pre-Laurel Peak.

New snow totals and temperature at Geyser Pass Trailhead.

New snow totals and temperature in Gold Basin.

Abajo Mountain Weather

Winds and temperature on Abajo Peak.

Snow total at Buckboard Flat.
