31st Annual Backcountry Benefit - September 12th - Tickets Available Here!

Forecast for the Logan Area Mountains

Toby Weed
Issued by Toby Weed on
Friday morning, January 30, 2015

The snow is stable on most slopes and the overall danger is LOW (level 1) in the backcountry.​ Pockets with heightened avalanche conditions and a Level 2 danger exist on drifted upper elevation slopes, where small triggered wind slab avalanches are possible.

  • Use normal caution, and continue to expose only one person at a time to avalanche risk.
  • Evaluate the snow and terrain carefully at upper elevations, especially in wind exposed areas.

Learn how to read the forecast here
Special Announcements

The CROWBAR, Logan's own world class ski mountaineering race will be held in an all backcountry venue at Sink Hollow in Logan Canyon, tomorrow Saturday, January 31. For more information and to register go..... HERE

Sign up now for Avalanche Awareness for Snowmobilers with the UAC in Logan, February 5th evening and a field session on Saturday the 7th.

Weather and Snow

While it rained at lower elevations on Tuesday night, it snowed a bit up high, and there's a few inches of new snow above about 7500'. The fresh snow came pretty dense, so we're finding pretty good riding conditions despite widespread crust from the rime and warmth last weekend. It's 28 degrees, and there's 60 inches of total snow at the 8400' Tony Grove Snotel, containing 104% of average water for the date. The UDOT hwy 89 Logan Summit weather station reports 23 degrees this morning and light east winds overnight.

A few inches of new snow freshened up the view and did wonders for the riding conditions. Cherry Peak (1-29-15)

****1-29-15 Video Observation from the Mt. Naomi Wilderness...........HERE

Recent Avalanches

No new avalanches were reported recently in the Logan Zone. Visit our Backcountry Observations Page for more local information and from across the state.

Avalanche Problem #1
Persistent Weak Layer

The snow is stable and avalanches are unlikely on most slopes. The exception today are pockets of heightened conditions in drifted terrain at upper elevations where triggered wind slab avalanches are possible. Stiff wind slabs consisting of Wednesday's snow will be stubborn, but they also might allow you to get out on them before releasing on less dense snow just above the slick 1-24 rime-crust As usual, you should be cautious around terrain features like cliff bands, sub-ridges, and gullies where wind slabs may have formed, and avoid committing to steep drifted slopes with trees or other terrain traps below you.

Additional Information

Expect mostly cloudy weather in the mountains today, with a chance for a few snow showers, fairly light east-northeast wind, and high temperature at 8500' of around 38 degrees. It'll be mostly cloudy tonight with temperatures only dropping to around 25 degrees. It'll be mostly sunny tomorrow with high temperatures of 40 degrees and winds becoming light and variable to calm.

Check out our one-stop weather page........HERE

General Announcements

Special thanks to Buttar's and ArcticCat for hooking us up with the light and powerful M8000. This machine will make our field days more fun, safe, and productive and will significantly boost our outreach and education efforts.

***Check out our Practicing Companion Rescue video........HERE

RESEARCH PROJECT ON UNDERSTANDING TRAVEL BEHAVIOR IN AVALANCHE TERRAIN NEEDS YOU!! Scientists from the Snow and Avalanche Lab at Montana State University are seeking more participants for their project examining decision making and travel in avalanche terrain. Their project aims to collect GPS location information (from your smartphone) and survey responses from backcountry skiers and riders to better understand what types of terrain are used, and how decisions are made. Their focus is on backcountry skiers and riders of all abilities and experience.

More information: If you want to participate, or learn more about their project aims, research questions and approaches, please visit their web page: www.montana.edu/snowscience/tracks or their companion site directed toward snowmobilers at: www.montana.edu/snowscience/sleds

You can now receive advisories by email for the Logan Zone. Go here for details.

Get your advisory on your iPhone along with great navigation and rescue tools, with our updated, Utah Avalanche Center mobile app

Discount lift tickets are now available at Backcountry.com. Thanks to Ski Utah and the Utah Resorts. All proceeds go towards paying for Utah Avalanche Center avalanche and mountain weather advisories.

Benefit the Utah Avalanche Center when you shop from Backcountry.com or REI: Click this link for Backcountry.com or this link to REI, shop, and they will donate a percent of your purchase price to the UAC. Both offer free shipping (with some conditions) so this costs you nothing!

Benefit the Utah Avalanche Center when you buy or sell on ebay - set the Utah Avalanche Center as a favorite non-profit in your ebay account here and click on ebay gives when you buy or sell. You can choose to have your seller fees donated to the UAC, which doesn't cost you a penny.

***Please submit snow and avalanche observations from your ventures in the backcountry HERE. You can call us at 801-524-5304 or email HERE, or include #utavy in your Instagram or Tweet us @UAClogan. To report avalanche activity in the Logan Area or to contact the local avalanche forecaster call me, Toby, at 435-757-7578.

I'll regularly update this advisory on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday mornings by about 7:30. This advisory is produced by the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, which is solely responsible for its content. It describes only general avalanche conditions and local variations always exist.