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Forecast for the Logan Area Mountains

Toby Weed
Issued by Toby Weed on
Saturday morning, March 2, 2013

Mild temperatures and solar warming will cause heightened avalanche conditions and a MODERATE (or level 2) danger in the backcountry today. Loose wet avalanches will become likely on steep sunny slopes and at lower elevations where the snow is saturated and soft. The warmth will also cause an increased danger of dangerous persistent slab avalanches in outlying terrain with poor snow structure, as well as increased wind slab and cornice fall potential. Evaluate the snow and terrain carefully, avoid and stay out from under steep slopes with saturated snow, and continue to use safe backcountry travel protocols.

Learn how to read the forecast here
Special Announcements

Groomed runs will probably offer better conditions than you'll find in the backcountry this weekend.... Go to to get tickets for Beaver Mountain. You won't save a ton of money, but all proceeds from sales of these tickets will benefit the Utah Avalanche Center, and It's super easy to do.

Weather and Snow

A moist cloud hung over the mountains yesterday, and a light misty rain or sleet developed a loud and brittle rime-crust on open and windward slopes above around 7500' in the Logan Zone. The Tony Grove Snotel at 8400' reports a mild 26 degrees, and there is 60 inches of total snow, containing 62% of average water for the date. I'm reading 20 degrees at the 9700' CSI Logan Peak weather station, and the wind sensor is encapsulated by yesterday's rime. The weather station atop Ogden Peak reports 27 degrees and northwest winds averaging 15 mph this morning.

Recent Avalanches

We've received some bad news overnight. A 30-year-old rider was caught and killed by an avalanche yesterday in the 12-mile Canyon Area on the south end of the Manti Skyline. Brett is in route to the site this morning and will gather and post the details of the accident soon. Also,up in Wyoming yesterday, an avalanche in the Grand Teton National Park killed a well known Jackson local. The details of this accident are slim at this time, but the Bridger-Teton Avalanche Center will issue a report soon.

No significant avalanches have been reported recently in the Logan Area.

Here's a link to our updated Avalanche List.

Avalanche Problem #1
Wet Snow

Solar warming today will cause a rising danger of loose wet avalanches, especially on sunny lower and mid elevation slopes. If the air temperature rises enough down low, the danger of wet activity could spread into shady slopes where the existing snow is already saturated and rotten in places. Loose wet avalanches may entrain a good amount of snow in descent. Avoid and stay out from under steep slopes with saturated loose snow, and be wary around potential terrain traps like benches or gullies below.

The initial warming of the winter snowpack will also cause an increased danger of other avalanche types. The danger of triggered wet slabs, drier persistent slabs, wind slabs, and cornice falls is all increased due to the warm-up.

Avalanche Problem #2
New Snow

Isolated persistent slab avalanches up to 3 feet deep, failing on weak sugary faceted snow or basal layer depth hoar are unlikely but remain possible in outlying areas with shallow and poor snow structure. Warming this weekend could cause an increase in the danger of triggered persistent slab avalanches in areas with poor snow structure due to increased creep rates in the upper layers of the snowpack and slab softening. Whumpfing is a red flag indicating potential persistent slab instability.

Avalanche Problem #3
Deep Slab

You might trigger stiff wind slabs or cornice falls in steep drifted upper elevation terrain. These appeared well welded in place yesterday, but there are still likely to be suspect drifted areas in the Logan Zone. Ridge top cornices might break further back than expected, and cornice falls could trigger more dangerous slab avalanches on steep slopes below.

Additional Information

It'll be mostly sunny and fairly warm in the mountains today, with 9000' temperatures around 35 degrees and light and variable winds. Clouds and southwest winds will increase tonight, and snow is forecast for Sunday, with 3 to 5 inches of accumulation possible and westerly winds. Windy conditions will continue Sunday night with northwest winds and diminishing snowfall. Looks like Moday will be fair and sunny again...

Check out the new Logan Mountain Weather page...

General Announcements

For a printer friendly version of this advisory click HERE

Remember your information from the backcountry can save lives. If you see or trigger an avalanche, or see anything else we should know about, please send us your snow and avalanche observations. You can also call us at 801-524-5304 or email by clicking HERE. In the Logan Area you can contact Toby Weed directly at 435-757-7578.

I will update this advisory on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday mornings by around 7:30...

This advisory is produced by the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, which is solely responsible for its content. It describes only general avalanche conditions and local variations always exist.