Total snow depth 26"
Top 6" (weak layer) was recrystallized and faceted gruapel from last week's storm. Fist density, with some spotty areas of a 1" thick wind board crust. very loose in general, sugar skiing.
basal 20" , 1 finger density, fine grained (1mm) recrystallized snow. Sluffalanche ran on the top of this layer (bed surface was top of this layer).
Not a major incident but worth pointing out for the rotted nature of the surface snow on north aspcts. A good indicator that this snow will not be able to withstand much, if any, of a load during the next storm cycle.
Sluffalanche moved faster and further than expected. I had to skii out of the way after i noticed that it was moving faster than me and starting to take the tails of my skis down hill faster than I was skiing, which was slow due to the thin cover.
Debris pile was only 1-1.5' deep not enough to bury but enough that it could knock someone over.
4th run of the day in this area, 1st three runs were on a 35 deg. slope without incident., the 4th was a bit steeper (38-40 deg. or so).
Ran until the slope angle lessened to about 30 deg.