
The New UAC Website

The New UAC Website
The Utah Avalanche Center is proud to begin the staged release of a fully updated website. We have spent the last 5 months designing a platform that is meant to make it easier for you to find the information you need, modernize the look, work better on mobile devices, and implement some national standards.
You will see some big changes from the modern look to some name changes. One of the largest changes you may notice is the change from “Advisory” to “Forecast” to be in line with the other avalanche centers. The Forecasts, Observations, Avalanches, and Avalanche and Observation Submission pages will be released in the coming weeks.
In addition to the benefits listed above, here are some highlights:
> Homepage dashboard giving you a quick glimpse of the information you need
> Simplified danger rating map and table on the home page
> Integrated search and filter features
> Easier donation process so you can help support the UAC
> The store, events, and classes are now hosted on Shopify making it easier for you to purchase items
Some of the items that will be released over the next month include
> Forecast pages for each region
> Weather pages for each region
> Simplified Avalanche and Observation Submission form
> Table and Map views of all avalanches, observations, and fatalities
Please feel free to provide your feedback on the new website using this form.