
KBYG Get the Content

The original Know Before You Go 1 hour avalanche awareness program consists of a 15 minute video followed by a 20-25 minute slide show and a Q&A period led by an avalanche professional. The following avalanche awareness content is available from the Utah Avalanche Center:
  • Original KBYG program
    • Know Before You Go video (15 minute general audience avalanche awareness)
    • Antes de Salir video (15 minute Know Before You Go video with Spanish subtitles)
    • Slide decks presenting the KBYG content
    • Know Before You Go slide show (26 min video of ace KBYG instructor Cody Hughes presenting the KBYG slide deck to a middle school audience. This is for anyone who can't attend a live KBYG presentation and is a great instructor training tool.)
  • Additional material
You can watch these online using the links above but we recommend getting the video files if you plan to present this to a group. You can get the content in 2 ways:
1. Download
  • These are big files and require a fast internet connection and some time.
  • We recommend you download the larger KBYG file (FINAL_PRO_RES) for best resolution if possible
  • If you purchase the download and find that you can't get it to work, contact us and we'll convert your order to a USB drive and charge you another $10.
2. Get the content on a USB thumb drive
If you want a thumb drive, let us know what format you want and the files you want in the Special Instructions on the order page and we will ship it to you. You can get any or all of the content listed above.
  • We recommend you download the larger KBYG file (FINAL_PRO_RES) for best resolution if possible
  • The Utah and Colorado slide decks differ slightly from the North America version; only with the inclusion of local references. If you are outside Utah or Colorado, we suggest you use the North America version.
  • We recommend you take some time to get familiar with the slide deck. You can watch a slide presentation by experienced KBYG instructor and guide Cody Hughes here
  • If your machine won't play the video, try going here to download QuickTime
  • Older Windows machines have been known to have problems with the .mov files. If the .mov file does not work for you, or if you are concerned that your older Windows machine might not be up to the task, download or request the video file "KBYG_WMG.wmg"
  • If the videos embedded in the PowerPoint slide deck won't play, you may need to re-Insert the video files into each slide
  • We depend on donations to pay for the KBYG program. Please consider making a donation to the KBYG program if you use the material. Contributions like yours allow us to continue generating new content.
  • There is a $20 charge for downloads to cover part of the cost of administering the KBYG program. If you want to download the material, go to this link.
  • There is a $30 charge for the thumb drive delivery to cover our cost to duplicate and ship the material and part of the cost of administering the KBYG program. If you want a thumb drive, go here to order it.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Important Note:
This is copyrighted material. All the video and images included may be used for the promotion of avalanche and mountain safety only. Segments of the videos may not be separated from the entire video and used for public display without prior permission. You may modify the slide deck or use individual slides to create your own avalanche education slide presentation. If you do that, you must include photo or video credits acknowledging Know Before You Go and the owner, if listed. You may add logos to the slide credits but not to the video and you may not remove slide credits. Violation of these rules is a violation of U.S. and Canadian law and may be prosecuted, plus it is a major ethical breach. You need to agree to the terms and conditions to receive the content.