Forecast for the Uintas Area Mountains

Issued by Andrew Nassetta on
Monday morning, February 17, 2025
Monday morning, February 17, 2025
At upper-elevations on aspects facing northwest through north through east the avalanche danger is HIGH and it is VERY LIKELY that we can trigger avalanches remotely failing 2-6' deep and breaking hundreds of feet wide. With heightened avalanche danger, remember to pay attention leaving the trailhead to smaller steep slopes that we like to ride like road cuts, creek beds, and gully walls. This weekends storm snow stacked up dangerously, and even a small slide could catch us off guard burying us deeply in a nasty terrain trap.
It is tricky and straight-up dangerous out there right now. I'm meadow skipping, wiggling mellow south facing slopes and avoiding avalanche terrain to keep my risk to avalanches down and the stoke high.

Learn how to read the forecast here