Nearly all the weather stations in our network are up and running. Click here for current winds, temperatures, and snowfall throughout the range.
High pressure is building across the region, giving us clear skies and rather balmy temperatures this morning. Currently, most locations are reporting temperatures in the upper 20's and low 30's. After two days of Southwesterly winds gusting into the 50's and 60's along the high ridges, they finally mellowed out yesterday afternoon to a more reasonable 20-30 mph along the high peaks. With an average of only a foot or so of total snow, coverage is thin, but you can still get out for a walk on the snow or a gentle ride on your sled in a rock free meadow..

JG submitted this image from Bald Mountain which clearly shows lots of land mines poking through the snow.

Ted was in the Whitney area yesterday, which is a bit more rock free...

But most of the usual suspects are still too thin to ride.

Ted spotted this natural near Moffit Peak in his travels yesterday.