Huge thanks and a big shout out to two leaders in the industry... (nope I'm not talking about Mark and I :)
More importantly- for the past 15 seasons, Tri-City Performance and Polaris have provided loaner sleds to the UAC and this year was no different. This partnership enables us to perform our field days, get into the same kind of terrain and see the same type of snow our customers are riding, and continue delivering the high caliber forecasts you've come to expect from the Avalanche Center. Bottom line... this partnership helps save lives and for that we are grateful!
High pressure over the region produces clear skies and the warmest morning of the week with current temperatures hovering in the mid to upper 30's. South and southeast winds blow in the 20's and 30's along the high ridges. The recent heat wave is taking its toll on the snowpack and total snow depths are right around two feet. And while there's just enough snow to move around on, it's still pretty boney out there.
A mild southwest flow gives us sunny skies with high temperatures soaring into the 50's. Southerly winds increase throughout the day and should crank into the 60's by days end.
Winds blast the ridges tonight, gusting 70-90 mph and a weak disturbance slides through the region late Wednesday into Thursday bringing cooler temperatures and a chance for light snow. Weak storms clip the region through the rest of the week.
Looking for real-time temps, snow, or wind?
here and then on the "western Uinta" tab for western Uinta specific, weather station network.
No new avalanche activity to report, but there's just enough snow to ride and of course, enough snow to slide. Steep terrain like this roadside attraction near Wolf Creek Pass pictured above, is the exact type of terrain where we could trigger an avalanche today. And remember- even a small avalanche this time of year will instantly end your season if you slam into a rock, or stump, or get raked through deadfall. But that doesn't mean you can't ride, you just need to tone it down a few notches. As a matter of fact, you can still have a blast on lower angle terrain.
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