Welcome back... we've missed you!
But first, I want to thank everyone who rallied with us to create to biggest, baddest, and simply best, backcountry benefit the planet has to offer!
With over 1,400 people attending it was a ginormous event with all the proceeds going to help fund state-wide avalanche forecasting, education, and outreach projects.
Save the date and take a date-
The annual Boondockers Premiere is back and we're going live at Brewvies on October 14th. Click
here to get your tickets.
And make sure to set some time aside on Nov. 9, 10, and 11 from 6:00-9:00 to join us for the 14th annual Utah Snow and Avalanche Workshop (USAW).
Tuesday Nov. 9th 6:00-9:00 PM
Evaluating snow structure while integrating both new and old technologies to determine avalanche hazards. Register
Wednesday Nov. 10th 6:00- 9:00 PM
Bridge, bombs, and blower: The snowpack and weather factors that led to underwhelming snowfall, yet devastating avalanche conditions during the 2020-2021 season. Register
Thursday Nov. 11th 6:00- 9:00 PM
Decision-making and human interaction with a deceptively tricky snowpack. Register
Looking for real-time temps, snow, or wind?
Click HERE and then on the "western Uinta" tab for western Uinta specific, weather station network.