Join us at our 2nd Annual Blizzard Ball

Forecast for the Skyline Area Mountains

Brett Kobernik
Issued by Brett Kobernik on
Monday morning, October 23, 2023
Special Announcements
Just a reminder about some upcoming avalanche educational opportunities.
First, Monday, 6pm, Mike Duffy will be presenting a free avalanche awareness class at Big Pine Sports in Fairview, UT. There will be some food and give-a-ways.
Second, we have our annual Snow and Avalanche Workshops coming up:
Sign up for the 16th Annual Utah Snow and Avalanche Workshop (USAW) IN PERSON, November 4th at the Dejoria Center in Kamas, UT. Sign up and get more info HERE.
The Professional Snow and Avalanche Workshop (PROSAW) will be November 6th at the Dejoria Center in Kamas, UT. Sign up and get more info HERE.
Additional Information
It’s never too early to start thinking about avalanches. Here are a few things to consider doing:
  1. Attend USAW and learn more about avalanches and decision-making.
  2. Sign up for an avalanche class.
  3. Take a free online avalanche course the UAC built for Know Before You Go or other courses listed on the KBYG website (Develop skills -> Online Learning).
  4. Get your avalanche rescue gear ready for winter. Put fresh batteries in your transceiver and update the firmware. Inspect your shovel and probe. Get your airbag backpack ready by possibly doing a test deployment and updating the firmware if it is an electric version.