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Forecast for the Skyline Area Mountains

Brett Kobernik
Issued by Brett Kobernik on
Wednesday morning, January 18, 2023
The majority of terrain on the Skyline has a MODERATE danger rating today.
Human triggered avalanches are possible but not very likely.
Avoid areas in the higher terrain where the wind has formed drifts and slabs of snow and you probably won't have any problems today.
Learn how to read the forecast here
Special Announcements
The Utah Avalanche Center, Snow Big Deal and Sanpete County Search and Rescue will be hosting a FREE AVALANCHE BEACON TRAINING on Saturday, Jan 21 from 9am to 1pm at the north Skyline Drive parking lot at the top of Fairview Canyon. Come by anytime between 9 and 1 and we will spend about a half hour with you teaching you how to properly use your avalanche beacon, shovel and probe.
Weather and Snow
Current Conditions: The flow of the current storm finally switched to the northwest and produced 6 inches of new snow overnight. It looks like the central Skyline picked up the most snow. Wind is from the northwest and is moderate in speed. Temperatures dropped into the mid teens overnight.
Mountain Weather: We'll see lingering snow showers this morning tapering off by mid day. Temperatures won't get out of the teens today. Wind will be from the west with moderate speeds gradually slowing during the day. It's possible we could see some clearing this afternoon but there's enough low level moisture to keep the mountains shrouded in clouds. Another small storm moves through Thursday afternoon/evening bringing a few more inches of snow. Friday looks cloudy. Saturday looks like potentially the nicest day of the week then another small storm is possible on Sunday.
Avalanche Problem #1
New Snow
We've seen small amounts of new snow without too much wind over the last few days. This is a good recipe for stable conditions. That said, you should ALWAYS be looking for signs of instability within the new snow. Look for any fresh avalanches. Watch for cracking around your skis/machine. Make ski/sled cuts on TEST SLOPES to see if you can get the new snow to crack and fail. My hunch is the new snow won't be very sensitive today. Places you could find trouble would be along upper elevation ridges and peaks where the new snow has been drifted.
General Announcements
This forecast is from the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, which is solely responsible for its content. This forecast describes general avalanche conditions and local variations always occur.