Forecast for the Ogden Area Mountains

Trent Meisenheimer
Issued by Trent Meisenheimer on
Saturday morning, February 1, 2020
The avalanche danger is MODERATE on all steep slopes facing southeast, south, southwest and west for wet snow avalanches. Natural and human triggered slides will be possible.
There is a LOW avalanche danger on slopes facing northwest, north, northeast and east. In this terrain, wind drifted snow will be the biggest concern and we need to watch for unstable snow on isolated terrain features. Small avalanches in extreme terrain can have significantly higher consequences.
Learn how to read the forecast here
Special Announcements
Discounted lift tickets - Thanks to the generous support of our Utah ski resorts and Ski Utah, all proceeds from these ticket sales go towards paying for avalanche forecasting and education! Get your tickets here.
Weather and Snow
Under clear skies, the mountain temperatures begin to climb. Currently, the 700 millibar (11,000') temperature is 34°F. However, by this afternoon it's forecasted to warm to 39°F. The forecasted temperature for 8,800' will be 43°-47°F today. We will have plenty of sunshine to go with the warm temperatures as only some thin high clouds pass overhead at times. Winds remain westerly blowing at speeds of 20-25 mph across the upper elevation exposed terrain. Lower in elevation the winds are generally 10-15 mph at ridgeline.
The winds from the past few days has taken its toll on the snow surface, especially in the open terrain. Some southerly slopes were kissed by the sun yesterday and will have a crust. In sun and wind sheltered terrain, dense, soft, settled powder, can still be found. We do have a strong cold front on tap for late Sunday evening. This will be a welcomed storm as it will drop temperatures and bring mountain snow.
We do have a strong cold front on tap for late Sunday evening. This will be a welcomed storm as it will drop temperatures and bring mountain snow.
Recent Avalanches
No avalanche activity was reported in the Ogden area yesterday. Drew Hardesty was in the Ogden zone on Thursday and has an excellent observation found HERE.
Avalanche Problem #1
Wet Snow
Rapidly rising temperatures along with plenty of direct sunshine will create unstable snow on steep slopes that face southeast through west today. This morning the avalanche danger is LOW but will quickly rise to MODERATE as the sun heats the snowpack. Keep an eye out for rollerballs, pinwheels and small loose wet avalanches as this is a clue that the snow is becoming unstable and wet. If you're seeing these signs it's time to head for a northerly facing slope where the snowpack remains cold and dry.
Danger Trend: Increasing

Video: Drew Hardesty discussing the warming weather and snowpack issues.
General Announcements
This information does not apply to developed ski areas or highways where avalanche control is normally done. This forecast is from the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, which is solely responsible for its content. This forecast describes general avalanche conditions and local variations always occur.