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Forecast for the Moab Area Mountains

Eric Trenbeath
Issued by Eric Trenbeath on
Sunday morning, April 9, 2017

The avalanche danger is mostly LOW and generally stable snow conditions exist. Isolated wind slabs may exist on the lee sides of upper elevation ridge crests and terrain features. Cold temperatures and breezy conditions should temper the potential for wet slide activity, but the strong sun may increase the danger for loose, wet avalanches late in the day. Snow surfaces are very hard and slides for life are a real possibility. Consider carrying an ice axe or a whippet for self arrest.

Learn how to read the forecast here
Weather and Snow

Skies are clear and 10,000' temperatures are in the teens. Southwest winds have backed off into the 15-20 mph range after howling in the 30's for most of the night. Last night's cold temperatures provided a solid refreeze, and snow conditions today will be a mix of frozen hard, and wind scoured surfaces.

Winds, temperature and humidity on Pre Laurel Peak (11,700'

Snow totals, temperature and humidity in Gold Basin. (10,000')

Snow totals, temperature and snow/water equivalent at Geyser Pass Trailhead. (9600')

Recent Avalanches

Other than a few small point releases, no avalanche activity was reported.

Avalanche Problem #1
Normal Caution

The avalanche danger is generally low but mountain travel always requires awareness of objective hazards.

Wind slabs - The strong southwesterly winds may have been able to scratch out some snow for transport to create a few isolated wind slabs on upper elevation, leeward slopes. Look for hollow feeling areas of wind deposited snow on the lee sides of ridge crests and terrain features. With the hard snow surfaces out there, even a shallow wind slab could take you for a nasty ride over a cliff.

Loose wet avalanches - Breezy conditions and cold temperatures will keep the snow surface from softening for awhile today. But with a strong sun, we may see some loose wet activity this afternoon. Look for signs of instability such roller balls, pinwheels, or sloppy wet snow up around your boot tops. Change your aspect or move higher in elevation if these signs are present.

Slide for life - Very hard snow surfaces exist and mountain travelers may want to carry an ice axe, or whippet for self arrest.

Additional Information

Today will be sunny and breezy with cooler than normal temperatures. 10,000' highs will be near 30 degrees. Dry, and gradually warmer weather is on tap through the week with no major storms in sight through the weekend.

General Announcements

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The information in this advisory is from the US Forest Service which is solely responsible for its content. This advisory describes general avalanche conditions and local variations always occur.