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Forecast for the Moab Area Mountains

Eric Trenbeath
Issued by Eric Trenbeath on
Saturday morning, January 14, 2017

The avalanche danger remains CONSIDERABLE on steep, wind loaded slopes, in upper elevation terrain that faces N-NE-E. At mid elevations the avalanche danger is MODERATE. Low elevation terrain offers mostly LOW danger.

Learn how to read the forecast here
Special Announcements

Road Conditions: Grand County plowed on Friday. As of now, the road is snow packed and clear. We may see some new snow accumulation over the weekend so be prepared for that. 4wd is recommended to access Geyser Pass Trailhead.

Backcountry 101 Avalanche Class

We will be offering a Backcountry 101 avalanche class on Feb 3, 4. This course will include a night classroom session and a day in the field. Cost is $125 with proceeds to benefit the Utah Avalanche Center Moab. For more information or to sign up go here.

Weather and Snow

Winds have finally taken a powder and we received 4-10" of low-medium density snow from the Thursday-Friday storm, most of it falling straight out of the sky. Elevation was a key factor in snow accumulation, and your best bet for good conditions will be above 10,000' and below tree line. Pre Laurel Peak is down this morning but regionally, and at the 700mb level, winds are southeasterly at 10-15 mph. It's currently 28 degrees at the Geyser Pass Trailhead.

Reed Kennard was out yesterday and sent in this observation.

Base depth in Gold Basin: 57"

Storm totals and temperature in Gold Basin.(10,000')

Wind, temperature and humidity on Pre Laurel Peak.(11,700')

Snow totals, temperature and snow/water equivalent at the Geyser Pass Trailhead. (9600')

Avalanche Problem #1
Wind Drifted Snow

Wind slabs on top of wind slabs exist at upper-mid to upper elevations, but they are gaining strength and will be harder to trigger today. The danger will be most acute on upper elevation slopes that face N-NE-E, but with the intense winds of the past week, cross loading has been a factor and you may encounter wind slabs on all aspects. Suspect smooth rounded pillows and look for cracking in the snow surface. I would continue to avoid slopes steeper than about 30 degrees that have recent deposits of wind drifted snow.

Avalanche Problem #2
Persistent Weak Layer

Buried layers of weak faceted snow, sometimes associated with a crust, can be found on most aspects at mid and upper elevations. How reactive they are varies from slope to slope, and about the only way you can be certain is to dig down and test them. Steep, upper elevation, wind loaded slopes should be avoided. In these areas it is possible that a triggered wind slab could step down into a buried weak layer causing a deeper and more dangerous avalanche.

Additional Information

A band of moisture tracking through the 4 Corners may produce snow for us later today and through tonight with 6-8" of new snow by tomorrow. Southwest winds will blow in the 10-15 mph range with gusts into the 20's. High temperatures at 10,000' will be near 30 degrees.

General Announcements

Road Conditions: Grand County will be plowing this morning and the gate will be closed at 9:00 a.m.

Grooming: Trails are scheduled to be groomed this afternoon.

If you are getting out into the mountains, we love to hear from you! You can SUBMIT OBSERVATIONS ONLINE

If you would like to have avalanche advisories emailed to you, SIGN UP HERE

Benefit the Utah Avalanche Center when you shop from Backcountry.com or REI: Click this link for Backcountry.com or this link to REI, shop, and they will donate a percent of your purchase price to the UAC. Both offer free shipping (with some conditions) so this costs you nothing!

Benefit the Utah Avalanche Center when you buy or sell on ebay - set the Utah Avalanche Center as a favorite non-profit in your ebay account here and click on ebay gives when you buy or sell. You can choose to have your seller fees donated to the UAC, which doesn't cost you a penny.

The information in this advisory is from the US Forest Service which is solely responsible for its content. This advisory describes general avalanche conditions and local variations always occur.