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Forecast for the Logan Area Mountains

Toby Weed
Issued by Toby Weed on
Thursday morning, April 11, 2024
The avalanche danger is LOW this morning. Very warm temperatures and intense sun will elevate it to MODERATE this afternoon. Heightened conditions will develop on many slopes steeper than 30° during the day, with wet avalanches and large cornice falls becoming possible.
  • Evaluate snow and terrain carefully.
  • Avoid terrain threatened by large overhanging cornices.
  • Move off and out from under slopes with melt-softened saturated snow in the day's heat.
Learn how to read the forecast here
Weather and Snow
Yesterday, we went up into the Wellsvilles and enjoyed great weather and fantastic views, but the snow became too soft and sticky by around noon. (here is our report) Today, the saturated snow in sunny terrain will be softened by the heat earlier in the day, and wet avalanches and cornice falls will become possible.
The snow at lower elevations is melting pretty fast, with none or very little remaining on slopes facing southeast, south, southwest, and west. Despite this, access from the Logan Canyon Trailheads is still good (you ride on snow once you leave the parking areas), and snow coverage is excellent in upper and mid-elevation terrain.
The Tony Grove Lake Snotel at 8400' reports 30°F this morning, and there is 97 inches of total snow at the site, which contains 125% of normal snow water equivalent.
At the 9700' CSI Logan Peak weather station, increasing winds are blowing from the northwest at 20 mph with gusts in the 30s, and it is 29°F.
At UAC's new Paris Peak weather station at 9500', it's 27°F, and at 6:00, the wind is blowing from the west, reading 21 mph with gusts to 25 mph.
It's 31°F at UAC's new Card Canyon weather station at 8800', and there is 83 inches of total snow.

Expect sunny skies in the mountains today. High temperatures should reach around 45°F at 8500', and the wind will blow from the west-southwest 8 to 14 mph along the ridges.
High pressure will control the weather, so expect fair conditions in the mountains with increasingly warm daytime temperatures for the next few days. Friday's high temperatures on Naomi Peak at the top of the Bear River Range are forecast to reach 54°F, and similar high temperatures are likely on Saturday. Snow showers are possible early next week.
If you would like more detailed information, you can visit our mountain weather page HERE.
Recent Avalanches
We received a report of a small human-triggered wind slab avalanche on the north side of Mitton Peak in the Wellsville Mountain Wilderness that occurred on Sunday. No other avalanches were reported recently, but with clearing Monday afternoon, we observed a few roller ball swarms on the Folly, a (south) west-facing slope in Logan Dry Canyon. We observed similar minor wet activity in the Wellsville Range yesterday.

Check out all local observations and avalanches HERE.
Avalanche Problem #1
Increasing daytime heat in the next few days will cause overhanging cornices to buckle and sag, and some may naturally calve off large pieces, threatening people who may be on slopes below.
  • Large and overhanging cornices may break further back than expected. Natural cornice falls could trigger wet avalanches on slopes below.
  • As always, practice safe travel protocols to avoid exposing more than one person to avalanche danger.
A very large cornice is overhanging the main face and threatens the climb up Rattlesnake Canyon in the Wellsville Mountain Wilderness.
Avalanche Problem #2
Wet Snow
Solar warmth will cause the snow to become soft, prone to producing loose wet avalanches that entrain the saturated snow. On sustained slopes, these could produce good-sized piles of heavy cement-like debris.
  • Rapid warming, roller balls, pinwheels, and wet sluffs or small point-release avalanches are red flags indicating unstable wet snow.
  • Watch for signs of instability, like cracking, recent avalanches, or cornice falls on similar slopes.
  • Avoid travel on or under steep slopes with saturated surface snow. Stay off steep slopes above terrain traps like trees, sinks, gullies, or rock bands that small wet avalanches could sweep you into.
Roller balls and pinwheels indicate wet snow instability and are often precursors of wet avalanches.
Additional Information
Check out McKinley Talty's new blog post, "Do We Let Our Guard Down in the Spring?" about springtime mindsets and avalanche incidents... HERE.
General Announcements
-National Forest Winter Recreation Travel Maps show where it's open to ride: UWCNF Logan, Ogden LRD Tony Grove, Franklin Basin CTNF Montpelier
-Sign up for forecast region-specific text message alerts. You will receive messages about changing avalanche conditions, watches, and warnings...HERE.
-For all questions on forecasts, education, Know Before You Go, events, online purchases, or fundraising, call 801-365-5522.
-To report an avalanche or submit an observation from the backcountry, go HERE.
-Come practice companion rescue at the Franklin Basin TH Beacon Training Park. It's free and open to everyone. For easy user instructions, go HERE.
-We will issue regular daily updates of our forecast through April 14.
-We will update this forecast tomorrow by 7:30 AM.
This forecast is from the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, which is solely responsible for its content. This forecast describes general avalanche conditions, and local variations always occur.