Utah Avalanche Center Podcast
Paige Pagnucco
Did you know the UAC has a podcast? Benjamin Bombard and Drew Hardesty host guests to discuss all matters backcountry, snow, and avalanches. Learn from a cadre of experienced folks with life lessons to share.
Click here to find all of our podcast episodes.
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On the Efficacy of Avalanche Airbags and New Research - A Conversation with Dr. Scott McIntosh and Black Diamond's Andy Merriman
Ben Bombard
In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Scott McIntosh and Black Diamond's Andy Merriman to talk about, well first, good decision making, but then, in the event you get caught in an avalanche, how and why an airbag can potentially help you avoid the worst consequences. In particular, we're taking about BD's innovative JetForce Pro Avalanche Airbag. A study conducted by Dr. McIntosh et al. suggests the JetForce Pro pack could significantly delay asphyxia, buying buried backcountry users valuable additional time for rescue.
Scott McIntosh is a physician in the emergency …
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Developing a Culture of Safety: A Conversation with Jeff Hambelton
Ben Bombard
In this episode, we talk with Jeff Hambelton. Jeff works with avaanche professinals from around the world and across disciplines to build avalanche education tools and train the next generation. In this episode: connecting to your audience, culture-shift after the Valentine's Day slide of 1999 at Mount Baker and the Danny Woods avalanche of 2008; affecting deeper change through social clubs; zone-based comms strategies; the value of simple rules; industry efforts to educate users; the future of motorized safety education.
AIARE Motorized Program Manager
Jeff works with …
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Managing Risk with Avalanches, Managing Risk With A Pandemic - A Conversation with state epidemiologist Dr. Angela Dunn
Drew Hardesty
The second episode is a conversation on risk, public safety messaging, and resilience—not with an avy pro, but with Utah state epidemiologist Dr. Angela Dunn. Dr. Dunn has been at the forefront with the fight against Covid-19 in Utah and knows a bit about the bottom line, vulnerability, and exposure.
Dr. Angela Dunn is the State Epidemiologist for the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) where she works across the Department to identify and address health concerns of Utahns, with a focus on health equity and data modernization. She came to UDOH as an Epidemic Intelligence …
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UAC Podcast - A Conversation with Sarah Carpenter
Drew Hardesty
Sarah Carpenter, picture here with husband Don, is a co-owner of the American Avalanche Institute. She teaches avalanche courses to both recreationists and professionals and loves sharing her excitement about the winter environment with others. Sarah also works as a ski guide in the Tetons. She lives in Victor, ID with her husband, Don, in a house they built together (with a lot of help). She says her favorite place to ski is in wild, remote places with people that she cares about. "I truly love powder skiing and you can typically find me by following the laughter as I ski …
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Snowbrains Podcast - What's the number one tool available to skiers and riders in avalanche terrain?
Mark Staples
Episode #4 of the SnowBrains Podcast interviews Mark Staples
“What’s The #1 Tool Available To Skiers & Riders in Avalanche Terrain?”
Mark Staples & Miles Clark truly connect on having lost loved ones in the mountains, being tolerant in the busy backcountry this Coronavirus season, and learning from mistakes in the mountains.
“Imagine as you’re driving home thru the neighborhood and you’re going just 25mph, which seems kinda slow, right? Stick your head outside the car and nail a mailbox with your head and your neck. You can imagine how that …
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UAC Podcast - How Not to Be a Backcountry Mr/s. Magoo - A Conversation with Blase Reardon
Ben Bombard
In this podcast, we talk with Blase Reardon. Blase has been a backcountry avalanche forecaster in Ketchum, Aspen, Glacier National Park, and is now the lead forecaster for the Flathead Avalanche Center in northern Montana. Blase joins us to talk about the challenges of forecasting in the various ranges of the West and the different roles and responsibilities that come with each position and each snowpack.
On tap this episode: forecasting in data-sparse regions; the mysteries of wet snow; Mr. Magoo's close calls, wicked learning environments & the illusion of expertise; the need for …
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