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Week in Review - January 28 - February 3, 2022

Greg Gagne
Our Week in Review highlights significant snowfall, weather, and avalanche events of the prior week. (Review the archived forecasts for the Salt Lake mountains.) 
The danger roses for the Salt Lake mountains from Friday, January 28 through Thursday, February 3:
Summary: The mid-winter drought continues with only a few inches of snow recorded as cold and clear weather continues to dominate the weather pattern. 
Saturday, January 29: Clear (yet again) with light northerly winds.
Sunday, January 30: A catch-and-carry on Kessler Peak as a skier gets carried by a small sluff in the weak snow at the surface. Although this is a small avalanche, the skier got carried over a 10' cliff and fortunately stopped short of a taller cliff below. The sluff ran an estimated 300' vertical.
Monday, January 31: Recent northely winds have created small pockets of fresh wind drifts and an avalanche involving a recent wind drift occurs in Lambs Canyon.
Tuesday - Thursday, February 1-3: Very cold temperatures for the Wasatch as overnight lows drop below zero and only reach daytime highs in the single digits. An inch or two of snow is reported in selected spots in the central Wasatch, and many valley locations receive more snow than the mountains.
Really appreciate you, Greg!
Lee McGuffey
Sat, 2/5/2022
Thank you, Lee - you are generous. Pretty hard to find much exciting in the Week in Review these days!
Sun, 2/6/2022