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Blog-Casts 2018/2019

Drew Hardesty
For Winter 2018/2019, we are producing not just another season of conversations with avalanche professionals and those whose work has contributed to our profession, but what we are calling Blog-Casts.  These are simply podcast shorts of essays and pieces that we hope will give the listener something to consider before or while they are in the backcountry.  
February 21, 2019: Blogcast 4: I AM Dangerous - Original Post here. 
February 5, 2019: Blogcast 3: The Wisdom of the Crowds - Original post here.
January 8, 2019: Blogcast 1: Guilt - Original post here. 

January 22, 2019: Blogcast 2: The Metamorphism Parable
This second piece in our Blog-cast series this year is The Metamorphism Parable, read by retired UAC forecaster Tom Kimbrough.  For nearly 20 years, we heard Kimbrough interweave life lessons and philosophy into his avalanche forecasts.  Tune in for 3 minutes to hear some more.  He begins, "Brethren and sisteren, today I want to speak on morality and the snowpack...there are many paths you can choose."