Avalanches for the Salt Lake region

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By Region:  All - Logan - Ogden - Salt Lake - Provo - Uintas - Skyline - Moab - Abajos - Southwest - SE Idaho

E.g., 02/13/2025
E.g., 02/13/2025
Date Region Trigger Depth Width
2/5/2021 Avalanche: Yellow Jacket Salt Lake Natural 2'
2/5/2021 Avalanche: Lake Desolation Salt Lake Natural 2.5' 300'
2/5/2021 Avalanche: West Desolation Ridge Salt Lake Natural 500'
2/5/2021 Avalanche: Maybird Gulch Salt Lake Natural 3' 250'
2/3/2021 Avalanche: Raymond Shoulder Salt Lake Unknown 100'
2/3/2021 Avalanche: Hallway Couloir Salt Lake Natural 14" 50'
2/2/2021 Avalanche: South Monitor Bowl Salt Lake Natural 2' 300'
2/2/2021 Avalanche: Chicken Sh#! Ridge Salt Lake Snowboarder 3' 500'
1/31/2021 Avalanche: White Baldy Salt Lake Unknown 4' 200'
1/31/2021 Avalanche: Birthday Chutes Salt Lake Skier 3' 45'
1/31/2021 Avalanche: Crystal Palace Salt Lake Natural
1/31/2021 Avalanche: Main Days Salt Lake Natural
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Bowman Fork Salt Lake Skier 2.5' 100'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Lackawaxen Lake Salt Lake Natural 3' 1,000'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: White Pine Salt Lake Natural 3' 150'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Bowman Fork Salt Lake Natural 4' 150'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Cardiff Pass Salt Lake Natural 200'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: White Pine Salt Lake Natural 100'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Scott Hill Salt Lake Natural 125'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Columbine Bowl Salt Lake Natural
1/30/2021 Accident: Main Gobblers Salt Lake Skier 3.5' 350'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Highline Salt Lake Skier 2' 200'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Scotts Bowl Salt Lake Natural 125'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Lewis Peak Salt Lake Snowmobiler 3' 35'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Banana Days Salt Lake Natural 3' 500'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: West Monitor Salt Lake Natural 2' 100'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: West Scotties Salt Lake Natural 150'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Upper Mill Creek Salt Lake Skier 2' 80'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Little Water Salt Lake Natural 2'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Two Dogs Salt Lake Unknown 2" 25'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Flagstaff Gully Salt Lake Natural 12" 50'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Grizzly Gulch Salt Lake Snowboarder 2" 20'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Down and Out Salt Lake Natural 16" 100'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: South Monitor Bowl Salt Lake Natural
1/30/2021 Avalanche: White Pine Salt Lake
1/30/2021 Avalanche: west porter Salt Lake Natural 3' 500'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Red Rock Chutes Salt Lake Unknown 3' 300'
1/30/2021 Avalanche: Wilson Chutes Salt Lake Unknown
1/30/2021 Accident: Squaretop Salt Lake Skier 2' 125'
1/29/2021 Avalanche: Little Superior Salt Lake Natural 200'
1/29/2021 Avalanche: Silver Fork Headwall Salt Lake Natural
1/29/2021 Avalanche: Silver Fork Headwall Salt Lake Natural 3' 125'
1/29/2021 Avalanche: Butler Basin Salt Lake Natural 2.5' 100'
1/28/2021 Avalanche: Powder Park Salt Lake Skier 3.5' 150'
1/28/2021 Avalanche: West Desolation Ridge Salt Lake Natural
1/28/2021 Avalanche: Willows Salt Lake Skier 2.5' 40'
1/28/2021 Avalanche: Willows Salt Lake Unknown
1/28/2021 Avalanche: West Desolation Ridge Salt Lake Unknown 3' 300'
1/28/2021 Avalanche: East Bowl Salt Lake Skier 15" 175'
1/28/2021 Avalanche: South Monitor Bowl Salt Lake Natural 2' 500'