We had already done one run in No Name and went back for another, before our first run we ski cut the slope and released quite a few long running sluffs. On the second run we ski cut again and released another healthy sluff, my partner Marla skied on the flank of the sluff and remotely triggered a slide on the steep roll over about 100ft down the hill, she was quite a ways in front of it and in the end outran it onto lower angle terrain. the slides was a foot deep at it's deepest point about 70ft wide and ran about 500ft vertical, taking out our tracks from our previous run. The slide ran on facets that had been preserved early in the week after a 3 to 4 inch storm covered them, I think Monday or Tuesday. the bed surface was the wind board that was there before the storm. Wasn't really a big surprise but I though the sluffs would have triggered it instead of us. I've avalanched the same slope out many times in that exact same spot. Not that alarming of a slide but still could've buried you in a terrain trap or in more enclosed radical terrain.
Photos: The crown, the debris pile, and one of Marla outrunning it in the bottom of the bowl.