Avalanche: Ogden

Observer Name
Derek DeBruin
Observation Date
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Avalanche Date
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Location Name or Route
Francis Peak, Thurston Peak, Mount Ogden
I was driving east from Syracuse around sunset and saw the results of another avalanche cycle today with the increased temps. Several D1 and D2 slides ran on Francis Peak, Thurston Peak, and Mount Ogden. There were a few SW avalanches and plenty of W. Noteworthy were the half dozen or so NW D2 avalanches running at the upper elevations (as high as 9500ft or so near the summit of Francis Peak). Clearly, northerly aspects are now potentially active zones for avalanches.
I was nowhere near there today, but the mention of glide avalanches in the forecast reminded me that Chilly Peak Slabs have glide avalanched in the past. This might not be common knowledge for folks new to the area/new to touring. It's worth giving that zone a wide berth this time of year.