Observer Name
Steven Henke
Observation Date
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Avalanche Date
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Salt Lake » Little Cottonwood Canyon » Hogum
Location Name or Route
Hogum āZā Right Gully
Avalanche Type
Wet Loose
Avalanche Problem
Wet Snow
Snow Profile Comments
Snow seemed safe in this zone as there was very little of it. Unfortunately the mountain is holding much more snow on top of gully.
Our group decided to climb Hogum Z right. Snow was thin and ice was wet plastic. While climbing first pitch, some small snow sluffs came down. My partner had been up the gully last week and didn't think much more snow could come down so we kept climbing. Once at the base of the third pitch there was a point release above us and to the right but out and away of our line of climbing. While climbing third pitch and up last pillar, another small sluff came down but directly on top of our line and myself the leader. I decided to bail by Down climbing, before I made it back to my anchor, a larger point release came down from above the gully directly over last steep icicle. I was only barely able to keep my stance on the ice without being swept up. I was totally submerged under flowing snow and the avalanche ran past us for about 30 seconds give or take a few. Luckily our group of three and one person behind us remained safe. Just wanted to give a heads up to climbers who are eyeing this line. It seems that the gully itself does not hold much snow now but snow above the gully funnels it in more than I was expecting. Temps were warmish today and most likely heated up the rocks that were overhead. The snow did make it all the way down the gully. It was enough to bury a person by a couple feet.