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Avalanche: Cascade Ridge line

Observer Name
UDOT Provo
Observation Date
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Avalanche Date
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Provo » Provo Canyon » Cascade Ridge line
Location Name or Route
White Bimbo
High thin cloud cover all day. Found SH on nearly all aspects above 8000'. Southerly slopes became damp, with the south 1/4 becoming wet in the top 8cm with strong solar input and warm temps. Northerly slopes remained cold and dry with SH ontop and faceting occuring in the top 20cm of the snow pack. Observed 2 avalanches that occured in the last 24 hours. Both were triggered by the warm temps dropping small sections of cornice and pulling out SS or WS and then in turn pulling some hard wind slabs out. The smaller was in Bunnells proper at 10500, roughly 300' wide and ran into the upper bowl. The larger was on the East Face of Timp, starting at around 11000', and ran to the second bench in the Provo Hole. Both were on East - ESE faces that are over 38deg. Some WL activity on steeper SE faces above 9000'. Loose snow avalanches continue to pour out of the 10000'+ North Facing steep Cirques all day long.