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Avalanche: Toledo Chutes

Observer Name
Steve White & Kyle Mays
Observation Date
Monday, December 9, 2019
Avalanche Date
Monday, December 9, 2019
Salt Lake » Little Cottonwood Canyon » Toledo Chutes
Location Name or Route
Toledo Chute
Skinning up Toledo Bowl this morning at about 7:30 when this avalanche occurred just above us. A party of skiers was descending toledo chute. The first skier descended the chute without trouble. The second skier was roughly a third of the way through the chute when he triggered the avalanche. He was fortunately able to gain the ridge on skiers right without getting caught. The crown appeared to be roughly 30 feet wide and a foot deep but was hard to tell from a distance. The debris ran full track out of the chute and spread about 60 feet wide, running into some trees below while stopping short of most. Certainly a close call, glad nobody was hurt. These pictures were taken on our descent out of toledo bowl.
From the party that triggered it:
"We skied two skiers down the chute this morning around 7:00 a.m. This first stayed right in the center of the chute and skied top to bottom, safely exiting in the apron with minimal slough. The second skier, myself, entered the chute on the high (skier's right) side of the chute. My first turn indicated cracking so I entered my second turn slowly. It broke lose on that turn about 3-4 feet above me. As I felt it pushing I was able to ski straight across the chute back up to the high-side where I watched it gather momentum and eventually clear the entire chute. It slid the chute down to the rocks leaving rocks and the early hard crust layer to ski out.
No injuries, no burials, and a little luck."
THANKS to everyone for sharing observations like this. It helps us all learn more, be safer, and get home to our families.