I came across another large avalanche that released in the last few days. It appears it was sled triggered. It broke into the weak faceted sugary snow near the ground. The deepest part of the crown face was 4 feet deep or a bit more. The avalanche only ran a short distance and stopped due to a bench but I was impressed by how deep the debris was.
There were at least two snowmobile tracks which were covered up by the debris from the avalanche. (red arrows in photo below) This means that there were snowmobilers on the slope prior to it releasing. Since there were no significant recent weather events that would have triggered the avalanche, this leads me to think that it was snowmobile triggered.
FOLLOW UP 3-13-2018: A friend of mine mentioned that he new someone that triggered a large avalanche over the weekend. It turns out this is the avalanche that he triggered. It looks like I stumbled onto it not long after it happened. Definitely sled triggered and luckily no one caught or injured.
If you trigger an avalanche, you can help out your fellow rider by letting them know that sled triggered avalanches are happening. SUBMIT AVALANCHE REPORTS HERE or from our main menu.