A large avalanche started on the slabs above the Diving Board (or the upper diving board if there were enough snow) in Broads Fork. There was a clear crown that could be seen from below. It appears to have carved out all the snow below the crown to the rock slabs, then descended through the choke above the diving board fan, and then stepped down to the bedrock below the choke. It entrained a lot of snow and became quite a large avalanche. There were large chunks of solid clear ice and big blocks of snow in the debris. There were a few large blocks of snow near the creek, but in general it didn't run full track. I estimate about a 1200 vertical foot descent, but obviously didn't make it up to the crown, so I'm guessing at the elevation of the starting zone. Based on the lack of new snow on top of the debris, it appears the slide occurred near the end of the last storm Monday night February 22nd.
The first photo is from across the way as we were exiting to Mill B South, the second is looking down the slide path from just below the choke above the diving board fan, the 3rd photo is to show the size of some of the blocks of snow in the debris, and the 4th photo is a view looking up at the debris from near the toe.