This wet loose avalanche occurred around 2:30 pm Monday February 15 on the President's Day holiday. No one was caught but the road was full of holiday traffic. Both lanes were covered by the debris - 3'-5' deep and about 25' wide - so people got out of their cars to try to shovel their way around. A UDOT plow came up the canyon around 3pm and was able to clear one lane and a county sheriff then directed traffic around the pile. The entire road was clear by about 4pm.
We received information that this slide was a secondary slide and that just prior a smaller slide had covered just the up-canyon lane. (see photos)
This avalanche was one of a number that occurred in the Logan zone in the afternoon of President's Day. Temperatures were extremely warm and there was rapid heating by both greenhousing and direct sun. Overnight temperatures had stayed above freezing for the previous few nights. The area had also received a fair amount of water Saturday night through Monday morning in the form of rain and wet snow. The snow was extremely saturated and unstable.
All measurements and times are approximate until we complete a full inquiry.
News coverage of the avalanche: