This is a notable avalanche observation. It occurred in an area that did not avalanche during the Christmas avalanche cycle. This means that the old weak layers under the entire season's snowpack failed. This is the only avalanche that we've heard of that has done this since Christmas. This is quite unnerving as it suggests that other slopes may do the same thing. This is in an area where wind loading over the last few days probably played a big role.
The exact timing and trigger is speculation but the avalanche certainly released over the last 24 hours and tracks around it very much suggest it was snowmobile triggered.
If you trigger an avalanche, all of us who recreate here along the Manti Skyline very much appreciate hearing about it. Please let the public know by filling out this form HERE. Thank you!! We often don't here about many of the avalanches triggered in the Manti Skyline region. Triggered avalanches are some of the most valuable information for keeping us all safe.
Forecaster note: It was later confirmed that this indeed was triggered by a snowmobiler (photos below).