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Avalanche: Wilson Chutes

Observer Name
Observation Date
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Avalanche Date
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Salt Lake » Mill Creek Canyon » Wilson Fork » Wilson Chutes
Location Name or Route
Wilson Peak
Slope Angle
Trigger: additional info
Intentionally Triggered
Avalanche Type
Soft Slab
Avalanche Problem
Wind Drifted Snow
Weak Layer
New Snow/Old Snow Interface

Triggered 8 wind slabs today on the BCC/Millcreek ridge line of Wilson Peak and also in the steep upper trees of the Wilson Glade. Cornices were newly formed by last nights winds and very sensitive. Dimensions above are an average composite. The widest one was 200'. All due to loading by the southeast winds. I am going to quote Bret here since I feel the same way about east winds (don't trust them!):

The dang east winds are stronger than weather models predicted. I can't say how many times east winds have blown an avalanche forecast for me. I should never trust the models when east winds are anticipated.

These were all relatively minor events but caught me by surprise as soon as I gained the ridge. Completely changed my travel plans for the day. Wind affect was limited to the ridge tops only, but once again with east winds, not worth taking a chance.

One of the release in the Wilson chutes entrained enough snow to run 500 vertical feet. Note, I skied the slope with only sluffing about 3 hours later.

Photos are all from the BCC/Millcreek ridge. No photos from the Wilson Glade.

Yesterday's mitigation for skiing steep slopes, ski cut, let it sluff and go.

Today, Tap the slab, let it slide, ski cut, let it sluff and go.

Sluffs were not running as fast today.


General Observation Notes:

Trace of new snow during the day. Damp, felt colder than it was.

Winds died down a bit during the afternoon.

Did not feel damp snow until almost elbow fork in Millcreek.

Mohair climbing skins stick really well to dirt!

HST in this area is approximately 4 inches, less than I observed on Argenta yesterday.

All ECTs were easy to isolate down to 24" and all negative on all northerly aspects.

Drifts up to 2" deep on the ridge today. Many south aspects were scoured.

Moderate danger tomorrow.