Traveling up the NE Patsy ridge line, South of Twin Lakes Pass, observed multiple slabs that had naturally popped out (possible remote trigger from ridge line but no tracks near crown). Could not tell if they were one event or if they came out at different times. Crown was about the 7-8" of new storm snow. Appeared to have slid on the new snow/old snow interface. Stomping around in the same area revealed isolated fractures and shooting cracks, it did not appear to be propagating very far. Skiing Patsy trees managed to have small isolated storm slab pull out on small test slope (North 9900').
Was seeing strong westerly/north westerly winds today, moderate to intense snow transport, and moderate to heavy snowfall (close to 2"/hr). Visibility was poor and temps were very warm. Could start to see the storm slab turning into more of a wind slab some places. Upside down snow making riding on low angle terrain difficult.